About Us
We are a Leading Company of Sports Flooring, Our Prime Focus is on Providing Solutions of Customers in Education And Sports Industries And Also Actively With Customers in Health Care’s Hospitality And Commercial Places. Harshita Infrastructure Always Offered a Variety of Services Product giving you a One Stop Shop to Choose Your Products. Your Sports Flooring Performs Dependent on Choosing the Right Product and Ensuring Installation and Maintenance is done properly.

We are proud to provide integrated solutions for all types of flooring for sports, commercial, residential, clinics, hospitals, and hospitalities, through a wide variety of brands, colors, textures and designs that meet your dream expectations. We derive our strength from our distinctive partners around the world, and locally, we strive to be the first choice for engineers, contractors and interior designers, through ensuring unique and distinctive solutions that satisfy all requirements and exceed customer expectations.
The basic foundation for the success of projects depends on the competence and knowledge of appropriate materials, with better specifications and higher quality, and subject to the toughest benchmark tests by certified organizations, and having the classification according to the global standards.
Our Company is specialized in designing Various Types of Indoor and Outdoor Sporting Arenas on Turnkey Basis. We Have With Us a Well Equipped And Technically Sound Infrastructure in Which the Most Modern Production Unit And Continuous Quality Control Have Been Incorporated. The Professionals Working in These Units Have Enabled Us to Deliver the Best Quality Surfaces to Institutions Like Stadiums, Clubs, Gymkhanas, Schools, Universities, Hotels, Military Base Camps And Academies.. Our Team Our Team of Experts, Work in Close Coordination with Each Other at Each Stage of Designing and Installing Playing Surfaces.
Through hard work, total commitment to performance and efficiency in execution, Hi plans to grow to a market we lead recognition of its concept in design and project execution, respect for its quality work and on-time completion of projects and appreciation of its investment in modern business and design technology.
Hi is a forward-thinking organization with a strong focus towards customer service. We dedicated to achieving results beyond expectations, catering to discerning clients who value quality and performance. Challenging conventions an important part of our philosophy. Customers have the right to be satisfied and feel privileged. This thinking is embedded in our corporate identity since all we do is attuned to the ultimate needs of our clients.